Saturday, 29 May 2010

Romantic layering

I was playing with my nails while watching Eurovision and couldn't wait to share what I've done just now.
Here you can see Konad polishes and plates m56, m57, base nude coat, also Eveline red polish, what supposed to be holographic. No top coat, I am scared to smudge Konad layers.
Olin leikkimassa kynsilakkoilla Eurovisujen aikana, ja semmonen kerrosleimaus syntyi.
  Käytin Konad lakat, levyjä m56 ja m57, nude väristä pohjalakka sekä Evelinen punaista lakka, minkä pitäisi olla holo lakka, mutta ei kovin siltä näytää .

Direct Sun Light

1 comment:

  1. Your nails are beautiful! I love the layering of the designs. Very pretty polishes that you used.
